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MaxLearning | e-Learnings bei Maxpert

Alle Maxpert e-Learnings in der Übersicht

Maxpert Online-Trainings sind für diejenigen, die lieber von Zuhause oder aus dem Office heraus lernen. Unsere Online-Trainingsvarianten "live-classroom learning", "story-based learning" und "video-based learning" bieten für jeden Online-Typen das passende Format. Die Prüfungen absolvieren Sie ebenfalls online.

Awardwinning E-Learnings

Preisgekrönt mit mehreren eLearning Awards!
Story-based learning: Spannende Geschichten mit allen relevanten Lerninhalten. Flexibel und selbstorganisiert. In Deutsch und Englisch.
Lernvideos mit echten Trainern und spannenden Anekdoten. Lernen Sie wo und wann Sie wollen!

Lean Six Sigma

Unser videobasiertes " Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt E-Learning Basic "-Training vermittelt umfassend, mit vielen Übungen und Beispielen, das Konzept und die Anwendung von Lean Management und Six Sigma.

Lean Management

Lean Management fokussiert sich auf die Kundenorientierung und Kostensenkung. Damit werden Verschwendungen im Unternehmen eliminiert und das Angebot auf den Kunden ausgerichtet.

Change Management

Discover the advantages of organizational change. Understanding how to make a change effort a permanent part of daily operations as well as the value of doing so is critical for success in any endeavor involving a transformation.

Better Business Cases

Gaining the Foundation certification will teach you the basics of the model, including how it's put together and what terms you'll need to know. For this goal, it is important to understand the philosophy and rationale behind the Five Case Model, as well as the many business cases and their functions, as well as who is responsible for them and when they are necessary in the process of budget proposal creation.


ITIL 4 is the successful and recognised framework in IT service management. It focuses on collaboration, putting more emphasis on value and customer satisfaction. Learn everything you need to know to successfully pass the ITIL v4 certification, book now!


With the principles, techniques and practices of MoP, you make the right decisions about your change initiatives. The focus of portfolio management is on implementing the corporate strategy by locating and selecting the right programmes and projects.


Risks pose a threat to the achievement of corporate goals. M_o_R supports organisations in identifying risks at an early stage and managing them intelligently.


The core of the course includes 11 lessons on multiple MoV processes and techniques. In addition, the MoV Guideline Appendices, the MoV Environment, Embedding MoV, and the MoV Strategy and Implementation are all covered.


MSP® is a programme management method that provides organisations with a structured framework for successfully implementing transformational change. How individual projects become successful programmes.


The P3O training supports organisations in designing, controlling and monitoring efficient and effective portfolio, programme & project management.


PRINCE2 is the globally successful project management method and offers you and your company many valuable advantages. With PRINCE2, you can plan, control and implement your next project with precision and achieve your desired project result. Get your PRINCE2 certification now and lead your projects to success!

Prince2 Agile®

PRINCE2 Agile combines the successful project management framework PRINCE2 with agile approaches and methods such as Scrum and Lean. Get to know PRINCE2 Agile in our training courses.


Are you looking for a way to stay ahead in the program and project management field? This easy-to-follow training with expert-level instruction can help you gain the skills you need to become a successful program and project sponsor.

Software Testing

Catch the Opportunity: For anyone who desires more than a basic understanding of the concepts of software testing. Training only takes 21 hours to complete.