This accredited MSP Practitioner Online learning contains all the training and materials you need to attain the Practitioner qualification in MSP – without attending a classroom! The course combines interactive multimedia training, practical exercises, mock exam simulators and paper based exercises. This course will provide you with the knowledge and understanding of the scope, content and structure of the MSP method required to fully prepare you for the MSP Practitioner examination.
Stream 1
Stream 2
The Managing Successful Programmes (MSP) methodology offers a structured approach to effective program management. MSP provides a set of proven principles and processes to help managers break down complex programs into projects that are not only more manageable but also perfectly aligned with business goals.
The MSP guidance benefits the organisation and the individual alike.
This course is intended for organisations or individuals seeking to manage transformational change or those seeking a professionally recognised qualification, such as:
The course combines multiple voices, animation and interactive exercises, providing training at a time, pace and location to suit individual requirements and is equivalent to a classroom workshop.
It is important to note that individuals must hold an MSP Foundation certificate to be eligible to take the Practitioner examination.
This can be taken virtually online using a service provided by PeopleCert.
It is important to note that individuals must hold an MSP Foundation certificate to be eligible to take the Practitioner examination.
Exam format:
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