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Better Business Cases E-Learning

Learn the fundamentals of effective business case writing by mastering the Five Case Model.

Gaining the Foundation certification will teach you the basics of the model, including how it's put together and what terms you'll need to know. For this goal, it is important to understand the philosophy and rationale behind the Five Case Model, as well as the many business cases and their functions, as well as who is responsible for them and when they are necessary in the process of budget proposal creation. You'll have the teamwork and individual skills necessary to use the Five Case Model to create a compelling business case. The Practitioner certification cannot be earned without first earning the Foundation certification.

Better Business Cases - Foundation

The purpose of the Foundation qualification is to confirm that you have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the guidance to be able to work effectively with, or as a member of, a team to develop a business case using the Five Case Model. The Foundation qualification is also a pre-requisite for the Practitioner qualification.

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